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Folates and cognitive development in children


Low folate levels in early pregnancy is connected with poor brain development and lower cognitive abilities in children  New study results published in early 2016. Show a clear connection between folate intake and the anatomy of a child’s brain. Research presented in a scientific magazine of British Journal of Nutrition in the beginning of 2016.

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Folic acid for pregnancy? Yes. But not any kind!


Studies have shown that every other person in Serbia due to their genetic disadvantages cannot fully utilize regular form of folic acid.   “Make sure to take enough folic acid during pregnancy”. This is something you will most certainly hear from your doctor upon receiving the news of pregnancy. And true enough, folates are necessary for

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Zašto se dešavaju pobačaji kod trudnica

Spontaneous abortion and MTHFR


It is every woman’s dream to have a healthy baby and easy delivery. Pregnancy, natural and wonderful as it may be, can hold many complications. It is often heard of women having multiple abortions with no idea what could have caused it. Other women give birth to babies with spina bifida or other congenital defects,

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Better bioavailability proven for active folates in FolicPlus®


Folates play a major role in stopping the neurological malfunction in children, and cardiovascular issues during development. Folate supplementation is recommended, especially in women in their reproductive period, with the goal of prevention neural tube defects development during pregnancy. At this moment, only synthetically derived folate forms are available, while products containing calcium salts of

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Expecting a baby? DO NOT „eat for two“!


Newest studies suggest that overeating during pregnancy may lead to gastric-system alterations. These modifications cause women, later in their lives, to absorb more calories from food which increases the risk of weight problems as a result. Unfortunately, the old saying that states women can eat for two during child-bearing is untrue. Although it would be

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