Why are Folates important for pregnancy?

Why are Folates necessary in pregnancy?

  • They help prevent hairlip
  • They encourage normal brain and cranium development
  • They reduce the possibility of neural tube defect development by 80% (spina bifida)
  • They are important for red-blood cell production
  • They support a healthy level of homocystein
  • They support regular cell development
  • They support regular bone development
  • They help prevent depression
  • They help in DNA production and neurotransmitter production

Folates (usually, but incorrectly known as folic acid) are vitamins that most women realize are essential during pregnancy.

Folates are necessary for new DNA production, as well as new cells’ development. As the baby matures in the abdomen, a constant cell division is accuring that requires a continual new cell production. Folates also affect normal neural tube formation, reaching appropriate child weight and normal face and heart development.

It has been shown that folic acid supplementation reduces risk of spina bifida deformation, and of other neural tube malformations. Early stages of gestation are crutial and so the supplementation is highly recommended to any women planning to concieve.

This explains why a daily recommended intake during this period is 400 µg of folic acid, while some deem it even higher up. However, recommended daily intake during gestation is assesed regarding values needed to be taken in order to prevent congenital defects- and not to promote good health. These recommendations also assume only 50% of dose consumed will be absorbed.

Intake of additional folic acid is recommended during at least first 12 weeks of pregnancy, even if the mother is quite healthy and well nourished. It is best to start taking folates before conception. In case of planned parenthood, one should start taking folates after discovering the news. If not planed, than one should also start upon discovery. Besides taking folate supplementation, make sure to eat as healthy as possible, and take other food stuff rich in folates such as: spinach, broccoli, potatoes and liver.

So, what we all know is:

  • That Folates play a major role during pregnancy, and that
  • Many pregnant women do not recieve enough folates in their diet
In light of this reasoning, it makes sense that pregnant women should supplement folic acid, doesn’t it? Don’t make up your mind so fast.

Folic acid
is not the same as folates


Folic acid is a synthetic product that is naturally found in food as well as human body. To be utilized, folic acid needs to be metabolized inside the body (transformed into its active form). Studies has shown however, that around 50% of people in Serbia is not able to fully utilize folic acid.

Folates are available through food, but the best source of folates are liver, mushrooms and dark greens such as kale and collard greens. However, even while taking sufficient amounts of folates, pregnant woman might not get all the necessary amounts of folates. Therefore, supplementations is recommended.

Unfortunately, the majority of pre-natal multivitamin complexes contain folic acid instead of natural folates.

FolicPlus® provides folates in their active form so it can be very useful before child conception, as well as during pregnancy and lactation periods.

  • Provides active form of folates, immediately available for bilogical action
  • Has 7 times greater bioavailability than regular folic acid
  • Numerous pre clinical and clinical studies have proven its safety profile
  • FolicPlus® is manufactured in accordance with GMP standards (guarantees quality)
  • FolicPlus® is gluten free product
  • In a capsule of vegetable  origin